Sarah M. Nemecek is a dance educator with 13 years teaching experience in the collegiate setting. She enjoys teaching various levels of modern, ballet, improvisation, choreography, Pilates and somatics at Lane Community College and the Eugene Ballet Academy. Her classes emphasize discovery while acquiring movement clarity and versatility. In 2014 became a Guild Certified Practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method® (Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration®) to add to a Pilates certification she has held since 2002. Sarah has an MFA in Dance from the University of Oregon, and a B.S. in Kinesiological Sciences from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Her research has been presented at IADMS, and published in the Journal of Dance Education, with both looking to the dance classroom as a fertile laboratory for scientific and somatic inquiry. Sarah is involved in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning community at Lane Community College, and has been active with creating OER materials for dance class curriculum. Sarah is a juror for the 2019 NorthWest Screendance Exhibition and continues to find innovation in spaces where dance, technology, and access collide. Her choreographic interests for traditional as well as alternative spaces/ camera, prominently use collaboration as well as structured improvisation in her process. She enjoys pushing her range as a performer, dancing in works spanning in style from Ernesta Corvino, to John Malashock, to Melecio Estraella. Sarah frequently performs and presents her choreographic work in Oregon, valuing engagement with our local arts community. This past year Sarah was elected to serve as the Vice President for Oregon Dance Educators Organization.